Viking Containment has extensive experience in the supply and construction of dairy effluent pond liner systems. The same exacting standards required for municipal wastewater treatment ponds also apply to dairy effluent applications.
Design and installation are critical elements for the successful containment of dairy effluent ponds. A minor breach of the liner system can have disastrous effects. Effluent leakage generates methane gas; the trapped gas collects beneath the liner forming large pockets or bubbles, known as whales, which leads to the ultimate failure of the liner system.
For this reason alone you need the security of welded seams that can be tested 100%. The welding and testing technology for Agrishield liners incorporates a non-destructive test system. The dual-track wedge welds allow all seams to be pressure tested. This test will pick up a pinhole.
NOTE: Viking Containment does not use or recommend lap-taped joins for dairy effluent. A taped join has no means of testing.